De Happiness Manager originated from my passion to help people. Via De Happiness Manager, I want to help people with a disadvantage on the labour market in various ways to find a suitable sustainable job. It is my point of view and conviction that everyone has equal opportunities and rights to a suitable job.  

This can be done in several ways:

  • Training in a Zero/No code Platform
  • Individual coaching for personal development
  • Ÿ Individual job application guidance
  • Ÿ Group job application training
  • Teambuilding

Target groups on which De Happiness Manager focuses are among others:

  • Ÿ Unemployed 50+ old people with an ICT background.
  • Unemployed highly skilled status holders
  • Unemployed HBO educated people who in the past have chosen a “wrong” study
  • People with a physical disability who receive Wajong benefits
  • People with autism

Why is there an elephant on the logo of De Happiness Manager?

You may be wondering why there is an elephant in The Happiness Manager's logo. There's a reason for this, of course. First of all, the elephant is one of the most intelligent animals on earth and is the animal after mankind that has to learn the most after its birth. Many other animals naturally live on their instincts and learn much less in their lives. Elephants feel emotion and are able to learn well. They are caring, selfless, have a great problem solving ability and are social. These are characteristics that fit in perfectly with the philosophy of The Happiness Manager. On the picture to the right you can see an elephant where I literally stood at a distance of 50 cm (without a fence). With one hand on the trunk you can feel the connection with the beast and oddly enough I haven't had a second of fear. This elephant has been taken out of tourism in Thailand where they had to "play football" against their will, transport people, do tricks, etc. Luckily this elephant has been rescued and is now in a reserve where she can go her own way. Literally, this elephant has had a second chance in her life. Something that De Happiness Manager also wants to offer people with a distance to the job market.