Arthur has over 25 years of experience in coaching and supervising ICT consultants. He knows how to get the best out of people, both personally and professionally. In the past 25 years, his intuition has never let him down. As a so-called people-man, he has an unrivalled sense of where the problem areas lie and how he can support the further development of a person.

His passion to help people led to the idea to set up the company “The Happiness Manager”. For organisations it is crucial that employees are happy. Everyone knows this, but unfortunately there are still plenty of companies that do not know how to approach this. The Happiness Manager can help with this.

In the past two years, Arthur has been involved in a number of initiatives in the field of Social Return. This theme has got him thinking and he believes that we should all do something with this theme. Whether it’s Wajong youth, autistic people, people who have become unemployed due to illness, people aged 50 and above without a job or highly educated status holders without a job or a job below their level. All these groups are entitled to a suitable job in our society. Fortunately, politicians are exerting the necessary stimulus and pressure on companies, but Arthur believes this is not enough.